Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Solar System Concept Map

Easy way to remember our solar system and the key parts of it!

Solar System Test


1.) What is the closest planet to the sun?

2.) What is the name of the Second biggest planet in the Solar System?

3.) What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?

4.) What planet is famous for its big red spot?

5.) True or False the sun is a Star?

6.) True or False the sun rotates around earth?

7.) What planet is known as the red planet?

8.) What galaxy is Earth located in ?

9.) Ganymede is the moon of what planet?

10.) Where did Niel Armstrong Go?

1.) Mercury
8.)Milky Way
10.) The Moon

(Article) Life on Mars


I read an article called "Life on Mars Found by NASA's Viking Mission?" on The National geographic website. In the article they basically talked about the Mission in 1976.  NASA sent up two space probes to search to find life on Mars. They came out empty handed as their was no signs of life. They did find that Mars is the closet planet to earth the days on Mars last 24.6 hours long. Mars atmosphere is unstable making it hard for life to live on mars but if mars atmosphere is to strengthen then it is possible for us to see life or even bring life up there.


Monday, June 24, 2013


So talked a good deal about the moon. We love our moon and we all love food! So i found a simple quick recipe on how to make your own Moon pies its fast, easy and also tasty below is the link so give it a try.


Super moon 2013

Saturday, June 22nd,2013 @ 11pm

The Moon looked a lot bigger and brighter it was very clear in the night sky made it easy to see the different craters that we learned in class on Thursday.  Made it easy to understand why we call it the Super moon. My phone camera was not able to get a clear picture so i decided to draw it as best I could.

Light pollution toilet paper roll (Night Sky)

Where : Backyard
20 observations = 354
354/20= 17.7
17.7X99.3= 1,757.61 total stars in the night sky

So guess that means light pollution is bad around my area!