Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Solar System Concept Map

Easy way to remember our solar system and the key parts of it!

Solar System Test


1.) What is the closest planet to the sun?

2.) What is the name of the Second biggest planet in the Solar System?

3.) What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?

4.) What planet is famous for its big red spot?

5.) True or False the sun is a Star?

6.) True or False the sun rotates around earth?

7.) What planet is known as the red planet?

8.) What galaxy is Earth located in ?

9.) Ganymede is the moon of what planet?

10.) Where did Niel Armstrong Go?

1.) Mercury
8.)Milky Way
10.) The Moon

(Article) Life on Mars


I read an article called "Life on Mars Found by NASA's Viking Mission?" on The National geographic website. In the article they basically talked about the Mission in 1976.  NASA sent up two space probes to search to find life on Mars. They came out empty handed as their was no signs of life. They did find that Mars is the closet planet to earth the days on Mars last 24.6 hours long. Mars atmosphere is unstable making it hard for life to live on mars but if mars atmosphere is to strengthen then it is possible for us to see life or even bring life up there.


Monday, June 24, 2013


So talked a good deal about the moon. We love our moon and we all love food! So i found a simple quick recipe on how to make your own Moon pies its fast, easy and also tasty below is the link so give it a try.


Super moon 2013

Saturday, June 22nd,2013 @ 11pm

The Moon looked a lot bigger and brighter it was very clear in the night sky made it easy to see the different craters that we learned in class on Thursday.  Made it easy to understand why we call it the Super moon. My phone camera was not able to get a clear picture so i decided to draw it as best I could.

Light pollution toilet paper roll (Night Sky)

Where : Backyard
20 observations = 354
354/20= 17.7
17.7X99.3= 1,757.61 total stars in the night sky

So guess that means light pollution is bad around my area!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Night sky observation Full Moon

Friday 10:30pm backyard

The Future Pluto

I Feel Pluto will have a white blueish grey look too it being that it will mainly be made of ice i feel the grey will come from the space dust. It will also be very cold most likely many degrees below zero. Here is a picture of my future prediction below.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Here is my zooniverse  basically I had to use the telescope and identify the galaxy's clouds tell whether it was a cloud, in between (cloud & hole), or if it was a hole. A cloud was a bright yellow goldish color and a hole was a black hole with the gold dust faintly surrounding it almost looking like a ring shape. I learned that the clouds are just dust and gas that form the shape of these clouds and the light given off.

(Above are some examples of what I had to do)
 Middle- CLOUD
Bottom- IN-BETWEEN / also 30 observations next to heart

Night sky (telescope observation of the sun)

June 12th 6:20pm

in class we looked through the telescope and viewed the sun. This is a drawing of what i saw. My drawing is not 100% accurate because i am no artist what so ever but it is a general idea of how i seen the sun through the telescope. The sun was bright red, also you could see sun spots and prominences.

Black hole thoughts


         I always thought that at the end of a black hole you would just get spit into another dimension of space. Also had this thought of a never ending hole you just fall forever, but everything has an end! OR does it? truthfully speaking we don't know what is at the end to a black hole just something we have to keep using our imagination for till someone stops questioning and begins testing, but that will take years till we have better and more advance technology. I feel as though it just opens more questions like for example is there other life out in space? too, what shape is our universe? but the biggest question is Will we ever find the answers to all of these questions?

Night sky (sunset)

Sunset: Saturday , June 15th 8:45p

Sun flare letter to future

Dear My future child,

                   I am writing to you from the year 2013.  I lived my life now it is time you live yours. In my years on the planet my generation mainly relied on electronics and technology whether it be cell phones for communication, gps for directions on how to get to point b from a, internet for research, etc. So we faced issues and worried of if a Solar flare took out our satellites everything would be disastrous. We would be fine physically but not mentally. People would begin to panic most People can't last a few hours without checking their phone so it would be hard to imagine seeing those going  weeks, months, maybe even years without one. I can only see technology advancing in the future and us becoming even more reliable on it.  So I feel as though we should plan ahead and come up with some type of back up plan to resolve this problem if it was to happen; Whether it be back up generators or going back to sending letters by bird.  I  know you will do well in life my child especially because your father is an amazing fella.  


Calvin Heyward

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Newton's Laws (sports science)

What is sport science one may ask?

"The Emmy Award-winning TV series, hosted by John Brenkus, uncovers sports' biggest myths and mysteries by using cutting-edge technology to measure momentum, friction and the laws of gravity."

-- ( http://espn.go.com/espn/sportscience/index )
SUMMARY For example:

In this episode they measured a college football defensive end took his speed and weight and was
able to determine how hard he was capable of tackling. The host suited up in equipment and went head to head with the athlete. The equipment they wore was able to record and mark down data that made it easy for them to determine how fast the football player was running, how hard the football player's hit was. All this is Newton's Law of motion. Basically they take science and sports and bring them together to make the Sport's world even more interesting and exciting.

http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=7728889 )

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Light pollution poem

According to Google definitions, light pollutions is the, "brightening of the night sky that inhibits the observation of stars and planets, caused by street lights and other man-made sources."

According to a noted health journalist, Ron Chepesiuk, light pollution becomes an issue because, "over-illumination refers to the use of artificial light well beyond what is required for a specific activity, such as keeping the lights on all night in an empty office building." It comes in may forms such as, "Light pollution comes in many forms, including sky glow, light trespass, glare, and over illumination."(www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

Light Pollution

Too bright is this night, Turn off the light
Note the stars, What a beautiful sight.
We're polluting the sky
Not with toxic waste or gas,
But with mass.
Of light blocking our sight
No more constellations? What a fright.
So let's fix this issue,
Come back stars, We miss you.
Cut down on energy,
We can create great synergy,
Too bright is this night, Turn off the light.


I discovered a new application that allows you to figure out what the moon looks like currently. It also offers pictures and tips of previous and future moons, including a full plotted rotation of the moon through the month. This app is educational beings as the information and images come from NASA. 



I chose this video over all others because there was no, narration giving you the ability to think about what you're viewing on your own. Also takes you through all 4 seasons in about 4:30mins. Soothing music to listen to while you enjoy the video.

Big Dipper

 I had realized when the topic of the Big Dipper came up, that I had never personally experienced the constellation first hand. After some short research, I learned when the best time to look for the Big Dipper is. According to  www.dustbunny.com, it can be found easiest during  the clearer nights of the year such as in mid-summer. It can be noted in the northeast section of the night sky and the bowl is easier to spot then the handle. The most interesting fact that i learned during my short research was that the Big Dipper is in fact not a constellation at all. It is reffered to as a "asterism". This refers to stars that are in a recognizable pattern.